Free "demo» Final Fantasy 7 Remake with a gift from Square Enix is released on PlayStation 4

The rumors about Final Fantasy 7 demo remake started in 2019. Now Square Enix has officially confirmed the information and released a "demo" in PlayStation Store.
What is known
Now the owners of PlayStation 4 can play an episode of the updated Final Fantasy 7. Square Enix put the first 45-minute chapter with a mission to destroy the Mako Reactor 1 in the "demo». During this time players will have time to get acquainted with the combat system and evaluate the updated graphics.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo is now available for download on PlayStation Store and will occupy 8 GB on the console. In addition, the "demo" does not require PlayStation Plus subscription and those who lost before May 11 will receive a bonus from Square Enix - an exclusive theme for PlayStation 4.
The release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake is appointed on April 10, 2020. Square Enix is preparing a complete remake, where they will change not only graphics, but also the combat system. The game will be closer to FF 15, and now the characters will not stand still alternately striking opponents. Yet
As for the plot, the developers did not change the basis, and will complement the story with details. You will have to play for the familiar Cloud Strife, a former military man who joined the terrorists to confront the Shinra Company.