British universities have developed guidelines for generative AI

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 04.07.2023, 12:08
British universities have developed guidelines for generative AI

Universities in the UK have developed a set of guidelines to ensure that students and staff are literate in generative artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

The code has been signed off by the Vice-Chancellors of the 24 Russell Group research universities. They say it will help institutions harness the power of artificial intelligence while protecting the academic rigour and integrity of higher education.

The guidelines suggest that programmes like ChatGPT should not be banned. Instead, students should be trained to use such tools properly, as well as educate them on the risks of plagiarism, bias and inaccuracy in generative AI.

Staff also need to be trained so that they are prepared to help students. New ways of assessing students are likely to emerge to reduce the risk of cheating.

In addition, universities have agreed to share best practice as the technology develops.

Source: The Guardian.