Writers have called on AI companies to stop using their work without consent

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 20.07.2023, 21:10
Writers have called on AI companies to stop using their work without consent

Some 8,000 writers have urged artificial intelligence developers not to use their works without permission and attribution.

Here's What We Know

The petition, organised by the US Authors Guild, is addressed to executives at OpenAI, Alphabet, Meta, Stability AI and IBM. The writers are demanding that the companies be given permission to use their material, as well as compensated for their labours.

Guild president Maya Shanbhag Lang said AI results will always be derivative of human creativity. She said authors should be rewarded for "feeding" AI with their work and contributing to its development.

National Book Award winners, bestselling authors and journalists are among the nearly 8,000,000 signatories to the petition. In their view, the guild is taking an important step to protect the rights of all Americans whose data is used without their consent.

The writers also emphasise that AI threatens the viability of the writing profession, especially for members of underprivileged communities.

Source: The Guardian