UK to test facial verification system instead of passports, but full launch delayed

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 04.01.2024, 15:29
UK to test facial verification system instead of passports, but full launch delayed

This year, the UK will begin testing a face-checking system at airports that could replace passport control in the future. This was announced by the head of the Border Guard Service of the United Kingdom Phil Douglas.

Here's What We Know

According to him, new electronic gates with facial recognition technology will create an "intelligent border" where physical documents will no longer be required. However, experts believe that a full-scale launch of the system in 2024 is unlikely.

The head of UK biometrics company iProov, Andrew Bud, confirmed this year that facial verification will not yet replace passports at airports. He believes this requires lengthy testing and a phased roll-out of the technology.

iProov has already created the world's first biometric corridor for Eurostar passengers, which uses facial scanning instead of passport control. Experience has shown that the system should first be launched on a small scale, solving practical problems that arise.

UK to test facial verification system instead of passports, but full launch delayed-2

At the same time, Bud noted that unlike police facial recognition systems.

"This is facial verification, to which a user has consented, participates in the process and gets personal benefit from. They are very different legally, ethically, and technically", he stated.

Source: The Next Web