Yuriy 30.05.2017, 12:14

Over the past two weeks, the vocabulary of Ukrainians has been enriched with previously unfamiliar words: proxy server and VPN. If earlier these words were used by system administrators, programmers or advanced users, now you hear only in the street, on public transport, in offices and cafes about the need to download and install a VPN. What is the reason for such a keen interest in VPN and proxy servers? And the reason is very simple - to bypass the blocking of banned social networks and services. All Ukraine already knows about decree 133/2017 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko "On application personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)". This decree really stirred everyone up. According to the decree, social networks such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki were banned, as well as all services of Yandex and Mail.ru. Let's find out everything about proxy servers and VPN technology, how they work and what benefits they bring? Is it safe to use free VPN services and proxy servers?

Bohdan Chub
Bohdan Chub 19.05.2017, 21:08

After the presentation of the flagship smartphone Xiaomi Mi 6, which did not have room for a 3.5-mm audio jack, the Chinese company immediately began to extol the digital sound. With all its advantages, Xiaomi did not have headphones with USB Type-C, and it's time to correct this omission. The headset with the new connector already appeared in the company store on the Tmall marketplace.

ad bot Willy
ad bot Willy 16.05.2017, 14:25

The desire of manufacturers to catch up with the popularity of the iPhone is commendable, but usually these attempts end in failure. UMIDIGI did not repeat the mistakes of its predecessors, choosing a rather unconventional approach. The company has released a "budget version" of iPhone 7 on Android - UMIDIGI G.

*** as advertised ***

Bohdan Chub
Bohdan Chub 03.05.2017, 14:20

Developers Google has long been testing the new design of the YouTube site in the style of Material Design, and now it can be appreciated by all comers. The service team removed unnecessary elements, distracting users from the content, making the interface as simple and convenient as possible, and the transition to the Polymer framework will speed up the introduction of new features. One of them was a night mode with a dark design.