Taiwan's F-16V Block 70/72 will receive IRST systems to detect and track China's fifth-generation J-20 fighters

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 25.08.2023, 17:09
Taiwan's F-16V Block 70/72 will receive IRST systems to detect and track China's fifth-generation J-20 fighters

Taiwan's air force will be able to equip its modernised F-16V Block 70/72 (Viper) fighters with a new search and tracking system. But first, the sale must be approved by the US Congress.

Here's What We Know

Congress has 30 days to review the agreement. The potential deal has already been approved by the US State Department. The Infrared Search and Track (IRST) systems for the F-16 Block 70/72 Viper are valued at $500 million.

The approval of the potential sale was announced on the official website of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). The IRST will allow the Taiwan Air Force's F-16Vs to effectively detect and track aerial threats, including China's fifth-generation J-20 fighters.

The specific type of IRST is not specified. It should be noted that Lockheed Martin has previously demonstrated a Block 70 fighter with an outboard targeting and reconnaissance system called Legion Pod.

It includes an IRST21 infrared sensor manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Legion Pod features advanced network communication and information processing technology. The system supports the integration of additional sensors for combat missions.

The Legion Pod was unveiled in early 2015. Lockheed Martin said the new IRST system can simultaneously track multiple objects and provide effective targeting, even when using advanced jamming capabilities.

Source: DSCA