The U.S. Navy wanted to receive two attack submarines each year starting in 2023, but immediately fell behind schedule

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 11.11.2023, 21:43
The U.S. Navy wanted to receive two attack submarines each year starting in 2023, but immediately fell behind schedule

In February 2023, the U.S. Navy approved a plan that called for the delivery of two attack submarines annually. However, the service immediately fell behind schedule and now plans to realise the conceived already in 2024.

Here's What We Know

The US Navy wanted to get two attack submarines in 2023, but immediately things did not go according to plan. This was reported by Rear Admiral Jon Rucker, executive director of the attack submarine programme.

Despite the plans, the military service received only one submarine, the USS Hyman G. Rickover. It was commissioned in the middle of last month. It is a nuclear-powered submarine in Block IV configuration with 12 Tomahawk cruise missiles. At the same time, USS New Jersey (also Block IV) will undergo sea trials next month and will be delivered to the customer in early 2024.

The industry is unable to deliver the desired rate of submarine construction. Each year, only 1.3 submarines complete the full cycle, which includes production, outfitting, assembly, testing and delivery. By the end of 2024, work in all phases of construction will be rebalanced to get closer to the goal of 2 ships per year.

Source: Defence News