PC-gamers are not satisfied with the non-xtgen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: the game has terrible optimization and a huge number of bugs

By: Anton Kratiuk | 14.12.2022, 16:09
PC-gamers are not satisfied with the non-xtgen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: the game has terrible optimization and a huge number of bugs

The hyped, unadvertised, non-stage version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been released.

Are players happy? - No!

Here's What We Know

After The Witcher 3 update users started to write about bad optimization of PC-version, because of which the game works badly even on the most powerful computers. Frame rate drops to unacceptable values and this at not maximum graphics settings.

In addition, the new version has too many bugs, even some staged clips are missing!

Surely most of these bugs developers from CD Projekt RED will fix in the near future, but today, gamers are furious (again).

Their main complaint is that the developers didn't release the next-gen separately from the main game, so gamers had a choice: to run the time-tested The Witcher 3 or try the updated version.

Users are strongly advised not to update the PC version of Wild Hunt those who have not had time to do so and wait for the fixes from the developers.

Notably, the updated versions of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series have no such problems.