The developers of Little Nightmares from Tarsier Studios have released a teaser of their new game. Nothing is clear, but it's intriguing

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.03.2023, 18:03
The developers of Little Nightmares from Tarsier Studios have released a teaser of their new game. Nothing is clear, but it's intriguing

The developers of the popular horror platformer Little Nightmares from Tarsier Studios have tweeted out an image of their new game.

It's not clear what the developers unveiled, whether it's a screenshot or concept art, but it shows a boat sailing in complete darkness. In the distance you can see the outline of a large object, which is even hard to identify: it could be an island or a giant creature.

The image is captioned “New world. New world. Emphasis on new”.

What kind of new world, and what the accents should be - we will know when the developers will provide more details, but the imagination of gamdesigners from Tarsier Studios can surprise even the most sophisticated gamers.