Phil Spencer: Call of Duty will work fine on Nintendo Switch, but in a slightly different way

By: Anton Kratiuk | 26.06.2023, 20:02
Phil Spencer: Call of Duty will work fine on Nintendo Switch, but in a slightly different way

As part of the legal battle between the FTC and Microsoft, Xbox head Phil Spencer has spoken about the Nintendo Switch versions of Call of Duty.

Here's What We Know

When asked by the FTC about how a game as demanding as Call of Duty would run on a relatively weak and already outdated device like the Nintendo Switch, Phil Spencer gave some clarification.

According to the Xbox executive, Call of Duty on Switch will obviously be inferior in graphics to the PC and modern console versions, but not inferior in quality to other high-end games available on the Japanese handheld.

Despite the limited technical capabilities, the developers will try to make the Switch ports as high quality as possible, so they won't disappoint gamers.

Yes, the gameplay will be just as excellent as on the Xbox Series X, but the game will still look different.

Spencer didn't go into technical details, but it's likely to be cloud-based.

Source: Thegamer