Summer Game Fest unveiled the trailer for the third season of The Witcher, which foreshadows the tragic events of the series

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.06.2023, 11:55
Summer Game Fest unveiled the trailer for the third season of The Witcher, which foreshadows the tragic events of the series

Summer Game Fest didn't just feature games. There was room for several series, and The Witcher was one of them.

Here's What We Know

The trailer shows footage and characters of the third season of The Witcher, familiar to fans of the franchise.

The climax of the series will be a mutiny on the island Thanedd, which greatly influenced the further events of the Witcher universe.

Some cool fight scenes were also shown. The trailer turned out to be excellent, but we will know soon if the third season of The Witcher will be like this.

When We Can Expect It

First five episodes of The Witcher will be released on June 29, and last three - on July 27. The series will only be available on Netflix.