The developer Warhaven announced plans to shut down the game's servers on April 5 this year

By: Dmitro Koval | 26.01.2024, 19:58
The developer Warhaven announced plans to shut down the game's servers on April 5 this year

Nexon has announced that it will soon stop supporting Warhaven online services on 5 April. According to the announcement, players will not be able to purchase in-game items as WP payments are currently suspended.

Here's What We Know

The game has been in development for some time, and the alpha version was released in 2021. In September 2023, the game was released in early access on Steam, and since then, you have been receiving updates with new content and events.

"From the 1st alpha test in 2021 to the global early access in 2023, Warhaven has come this far, thanks to everyone’s love and support. We want to express our gratitude for the love and care you have shown for Warhaven."

In Warhaven, two teams of 16 players face off in a medieval war. The game has different modes, such as the objective-oriented Dominion mode or the action-oriented Skirmish mode. There are six classes to choose from to play.

Source: GamingBolt