Polish studio Bloober Team opens a new direction: subsidiary publisher Broken Mirror Games will be unveiled in the coming days

By: Anton Kratiuk | 12.02.2024, 14:00
Polish studio Bloober Team opens a new direction: subsidiary publisher Broken Mirror Games will be unveiled in the coming days

Polish company Bloober Team - author of the well-known narrative horror and thrillers Layers of Fear, Observer, Blair Witch, The Medium and, of course, the Silent Hill 2 remake (to be released in 2024) - has repeatedly declared its ambitious plans to become a leader in the development of games that tickle the nerves.

"Horror is in our blood" - says the slogan of Bloober Team, which confidently goes to its goal.

So, today it became known that in addition to developing its own games, the Polish studio will take up another direction.

Here's What We Know

Polish business media share the press release of Bloober Team, which informs about the creation of a subsidiary company Broken Mirror Games.

This division will deal with support and publishing of third-party horror games and Bloober Team's own games. All Broken Mirror Games projects will be supervised by experts from Bloober Team, which will guarantee the high quality of the released games.

Piotr Babieno, CEO of the Polish company, characterised the vision of the new venture as follows:

We want to unlock the true potential of horror games by sharing know-how and collaborating with other developers with the same specialisation. Just as mending a "broken mirror" requires finding the missing pieces, our path lies in bringing together the right competences.

As a publisher under the Bloober Team umbrella, we bring our expertise in creating multi-layered narrative horror stories. Each project will be overseen by our core creative team. Implementing this element of our strategic plan will allow us to scale the business without sacrificing quality.

We expect the near term to be exceptionally favourable for us, but most importantly, we are achieving this organically while significantly growing the company's current capabilities.

Broken Mirror Games will be officially introduced to the company's partners during the DICE conference in Las Vegas on 13-15 February.

Source: PAP Biznes