Remedy Entertainment creative director Sam Lake has hinted at attending Summer Game Fest: there he may unveil the Night Springs add-on for Alan Wake 2

By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.05.2024, 13:07
Remedy Entertainment creative director Sam Lake has hinted at attending Summer Game Fest: there he may unveil the Night Springs add-on for Alan Wake 2

Fans of the mystical horror game Alan Wake 2 may be about to see the debut trailer of the first story add-on Night Springs.

There was a nice silent chat on social network X, which intrigued fans of games by Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment.

Here's What We Know

A brief recounting of the "conversation":

  • Summer Game Fest producer and host Geoff Keighley published a post reminding us that the summer show is three weeks away;
  • Remedy creative director Sam Lake reposted the tweet and "commented" on it with a cryptic eye emoji;
  • Summer Game Fest's X account "replied" to Lake with the same meaningful look.
Remedy Entertainment creative director Sam Lake has hinted at attending Summer Game Fest: there he may unveil the Night Springs add-on for Alan Wake 2-2

What about gamers? Gamers immediately concluded that Sam Lake will be at the opening ceremony of Summer Game Fest, which will take place on 7 June at 23:00 CEST, to personally present the announcement trailer of Night Springs add-on for Alan Wake 2.

Some users assume that at the show the Finnish studio will present a remake of Max Payne (1 and 2), but it is unlikely to happen, as this project is at an early stage of production.

Recall, last year the Anderson v Monster Saga: first gameplay trailer for Alan Wake II and presented a gameplay trailer of Alan Wake 2.

Source: X