China has developed an AI that can read minds - the system will check the loyalty of Communist Party members

Chinese scientists report the creation of an artificial intelligence capable of reading minds.
What we know
An article describing the developed system was published on July 1 and then deleted. However, nothing on the Internet disappears without a trace. Various Western publications have managed to write about the new system based on artificial intelligence.
The AI was developed at the National Research Center in Hefei City, Anhui Province. The artificial intelligence is able to track human facial expressions and read brain waves. The system was created in order to assess the level of loyalty of members of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. The algorithm assesses how closely a person studies lectures and how he or she reacts to the information received.
Forty-three Communist Party members took part in the AI test. They attended propaganda events and were monitored by scientists. Chinese researchers do not specify what tools they used to read facial expressions and brain activity.
Source: The Times