US shuts down multibillion-dollar hypersonic weapons development programme ARRW and nullifies funding for 2024

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 16.06.2023, 18:21
US shuts down multibillion-dollar hypersonic weapons development programme ARRW and nullifies funding for 2024

The US Department of Defence is simultaneously developing several hypersonic weapons projects. One of them is called Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon and will soon be shut down.

Here's What We Know

Last year, the US Air Force conducted a "very successful" first test of the AGM-183A ARRW hypersonic missile combat prototype. However, the second test, which took place in the spring, ended in failure and sparked controversy over the future of the programme.

Total funding for the project amounts to several billion dollars. The US Air Force has requested $150 million for fiscal year (FY) 2024 to complete comprehensive "crucial important" tests to evaluate hypersonic weapons.

However, the House Armed Services Committee decided to zero out funding for FY2024. This means that the hypersonic weapons programme will be closed after FY2023. Although it is not ruled out that work on the project will be resumed in the future.

Source: Breaking Defense