Embark Studios has published Update 1.5.5 for the shooter The Finals

By: Dmitro Koval | 26.01.2024, 18:10
Embark Studios has published Update 1.5.5 for the shooter The Finals

After releasing Update 1.5.0 and temporarily adding Solo Bank It! to The Finals, developer Embark Studios continues to deliver Update 1.5.5, which adds new items to the store and rebalances several gadgets and weapons.

Here's What We Know

The invulnerability time after recovery has now been reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds. Similar changes affect the process of reviving with defibrillators. The FCAR has seen a slight reduction in damage, going from 26 to 25, while the Guardian Turret now has less health - 280 instead of the previous 300.

Some weapons have also received improvements: for example, the .357 revolver has reduced bullet scatter when aiming at the sights, although the amount of damage from the revolver now starts to decrease from 23 metres, whereas previously it was 35 metres.

Throwing knives has become more efficient, and projectile scatter during falling and running has decreased. The developers are also paying attention to the feedback on Recon Senses and promise to thoroughly fix it in the next update, which is expected next week.

You can read more about the 1.5.5 update here.

The Finals is available to play on Xbox Series, PlayStation 5, and PC.

Source: GamingBolt