Foreign components were found in the "first completely Russian" thermal imager "Sych-3" (video disassembly)

On the YouTube-channel "infocar: test drives of a car ”another video dedicated to the armament of the Russian army appeared. This time, Pavel Kashchuk took up the dismantling of the Sych-3 thermal imager.
About 14 years ago, Russian propaganda announced the creation of the first thermal imager with an uncooled matrix completely developed in the Russian Federation. As you understand, it was our hero, "Sych-3". It turned out that the device fully complies with the standards of the Russian army - here you have both flat-head screws and plasticine seals.
Sych-3, which must be made exclusively from Russian-made components, is equipped with a foreign lens, a foreign matrix and a foreign battery. In particular, the matrix supplier is a French company ULIS.