The game director of The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 opened a new studio

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 21.07.2022, 10:33
The game director of The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 opened a new studio

Bruce Straley (Bruce Strayley) - game director of The Last of Us and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. In 2017, he left Naughty Dogs and retired from gaming for several years. Now Straily returns to the role of head of the new studio - Wildflower Interacrive.

The team intends to create relatively small, "creatively charged" and "uniquely styled" games. Straily and the company aim to create a healthy work culture - Wildflower will be a studio for those who want to hone their skills, have a voice and at the same time enjoy life outside of work.

The company employs specialists who had a hand in The Pathless, ABZÛ, Call of Duty, Kena: Bridge of Spirits and more. The production of the debut game has already started, and in parallel with Wildflower is recruiting new developers, including artists, sound designers and programmers.

"In 2017, I left the industry not knowing if I wanted to make games again. But while I was resting, I kept thinking about this media format, about what else is going to be done, and what I still want to do . And one idea wouldn't let me go. So I called some friends and we started prototyping. The idea started to develop. Development started to become exciting again. 

And I realized - I need to make this game. But if I'm going to make this game, that means I'll need to build a team. And if I'm going to build a team, I'll have to build a company. And if we undertake it, we will have to do everything right. It (the company) should be inclusive, fair and organized, full of good people who want to grow as professionals and as individuals." from the application Bruce Straley.

The manager also mentioned that the company has enlisted the support of a partner, but did not provide details. 

The release dates of the new Wildflower game and the list of platforms are still unknown.