Scary, but fun: the developers Dead Island 2 told about the atmosphere of the game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 08.09.2022, 12:33
Scary, but fun: the developers Dead Island 2 told about the atmosphere of the game

The action Dead Island was remembered by gamers not only because of its interesting gameplay, but also because of its atmosphere, combining both darkness and black humor.

The developers of the second part of Dead Island announced, that in the sequel the gamers will also be able to enjoy the original style of the game. The sequel will have everything that the players liked in the original game: the bloody scenes, sharp humor, dark setting and really eerie episodes. In short, it will be scary, but fun.

The creators of Dead Island 2 are happy that they managed to keep the style of the first part of the horror game and at the same time to develop the game, to add new elements and to improve the combat system.

Dead Island 2 release is scheduled for February 3 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series and Xbox One.