Google Doodle Celebrates 30th Anniversary Day

By: Pavel Chuikin | 14.03.2018, 08:55
Google Doodle Celebrates 30th Anniversary Day

The new Google doodle is dedicated to the unofficial holiday of the Pi number, which is approximately 3.141592653589793238462643.

Holiday of mathematicians

Since 1987, every March 14 at 1:59:26 of mathematics from around the world celebrate the day of the Pi number . This holiday was invented by the physicist Larry Shaw. The date and time are not chosen by chance, and if you look at the number pi carefully, you can see that the day and the exact time correspond to its first figures. In addition, on March 14 the famous physicist Albert Einstein was born.

On the Day of the Pi number, one must drink and say the toasts to the number, and also solve problems with the number pi. But the most important thing to bake an apple pi-horn. And to make it easier to cook, Google invited the famous confectioner Dominique Ansel. He will make a pi-horn with apples and salty caramel, and then draw the first digits of the Pi number from jam and chocolate on the top of the dish.