Google Chrome has gained AI features including a writing assistant, theme generator and tab organiser

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 24.01.2024, 15:51
Google Chrome has gained AI features including a writing assistant, theme generator and tab organiser

Google has announced the integration of AI capabilities into the Chrome browser - a writing assistant, tab organiser and design theme generator.

Here's What We Know

The built-in writing assistant will allow users to get suggestions and hints when composing reviews, forum comments, queries and other texts on the web.

To activate the feature, you need to right-click in a text box and select "Help me write". After entering the beginning of a phrase, the AI will suggest a continuation in different styles and genres.

Google Chrome has gained AI features including a writing assistant, theme generator and tab organiser-2

Another useful AI-powered feature is the automatic grouping of open tabs by topic. This will help users who keep a lot of open pages in their browser to organise them.

To use the organiser, you need to right-click on any tab and select "Organise similar tabs". Chrome will group the pages and suggest names and icons for each group.

Google Chrome has gained AI features including a writing assistant, theme generator and tab organiser-3

Apart from this, Google Chrome will also get a feature to automatically create custom design themes using neural network. Users need to select the "Create with AI" option in the theme settings and set the desired style, colour or theme. The AI will generate a unique design for the browser.

Google Chrome has gained AI features including a writing assistant, theme generator and tab organiser-4

When We Can Expect It

The new tools will be coming to the Windows and macOS versions of Chrome in the coming days. The features will be available for US users first.

According to the developers, Chrome will get even more AI and machine learning-based innovations in the future.

Source: TechCrunch