Android 15 introduces support for wireless charging via NFC

By: Vlad Cherevko | 16.04.2024, 23:21
Android 15 introduces support for wireless charging via NFC

Google is planning to add support for wireless charging via NFC in Android 15. Wireless charging is a handy feature that has long been present on Android and iPhones. However, Google is working on adding support for the NFC Wireless Charging (WLC) charging standard in Android 15, which requires much less space than Qi wireless charging.

Here's What We Know

According to new reports, Google is apparently working on adding support for wireless charging via the NFC module we're used to paying for purchases. This will open up charging options for smaller gadgets that are still incompatible with the Qi charging standard.

NFC Wireless Charging works with much smaller antennas than Qi wireless charging. WLC antennas can be less than 1cm in size and are packaged in a flexible, bendable PCB, so they can fit into incredibly small smart devices such as headphones, styluses, smart watches and tracker tags.

If Android 15 is successful in providing widespread support for NFC wireless charging, we could see more manufacturers adopt the standard. This could be a game changer, paving the way for a host of WLC-enabled accessories to enter the market.

Source: Android Authority