Podcasts on YouTube Music: New opportunities for content creators and audiences

By: Nastya Bobkova | 25.04.2024, 05:44
Podcasts on YouTube Music: New opportunities for content creators and audiences

YouTube Music, following the closure of Google Podcasts, is acting as a central tool for podcasts on the web. The platform aims to become the go-to destination for both podcasters and content fans.

Here's What We Know

One of the key steps in this direction is YouTube Music's commitment to the visual aspect of podcasts, which includes video podcasts. The platform's chief product officer pointed out the positive response from users to this visual element and plans to focus on it.

YouTube Music has two approaches to podcasts: the traditional one, which includes RSS, episode downloads, and more, and the newer one, which is video podcasts. They have emphasised the use of algorithms to promote content and increase its reach to consumers.

While YouTube Music currently supports third-party RSS podcasts, there is no RSS output feature yet. However, the platform promises expanded filtering capabilities and an improved listening experience through Android Auto updates.

According to YouTube Music representatives, their Discovery and Watch Next algorithms are capable of not only displaying topics and authors, but also identifying key topics from one podcast and recommending them in others.

Source: Android Police