Google Drive on the web introduces hovercard preview

By: Nastya Bobkova | 17.05.2024, 04:45
Google Drive on the web introduces hovercard preview

Google is rolling out a new enhancement for Google Drive users. The web version of Google Drive now features a hovercard preview of files.

Here's What We Know

Instead of having to open each file individually or use the right mouse button, you can now simply hover over a file icon in Google Drive and see a small card with information about the file.

This thumbnail card includes the file name and a thumbnail of the landscape orientation, which is useful for images and slides. It also provides information about the file type, owner, and recent modifications, allowing you to quickly get context about the file without having to open it.

This enhancement will make it easier to work with files on Google Drive and allow for more efficient content management.

The option will be available to all Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts in the coming weeks.

Source: Google