Microsoft and ByoWave's Proteus Controller modular device has been unveiled, allowing people with disabilities to create the perfect gamepad for themselves to play PC and Xbox games

By: Anton Kratiuk | 18.05.2024, 13:09
Microsoft and ByoWave's Proteus Controller modular device has been unveiled, allowing people with disabilities to create the perfect gamepad for themselves to play PC and Xbox games

More and more game companies care about making their projects as accessible as possible for all categories of users. This applies not only to games, but also to input devices that allow you to control them.

Thus, a few years ago Microsoft released Xbox Adaptive Controller, and Sony in 2023 offered PlayStation Access Controller - a unique input device for people with disabilities.

Microsoft is not stopping there and together with ByoWave is preparing to sell Proteus Controller.

Here's What We Know

This wireless device has a modular design that allows you to customise the location of each button to suit the capabilities and needs of any user.

The design of the gamepad provides about a hundred options for the arrangement of buttons and sticks, which will allow people with almost any physical impairment to assemble the perfect controller for them and enjoy games unhindered.

The device consists of small spheres that connect to each other in any sequence to form an optimal design. Two side panels are also included to create a traditionally shaped gamepad.

The Xbox Adaptive Controller is compatible with Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, as well as Windows 10 and 11.

The device will cost $299 and can be purchased for $250 on pre-order.

Sales will start in the autumn.

Source: ByoWave