The System Shock remake will not be released on Linux and Mac computers, though funds have been raised to do so

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.05.2024, 20:02
The System Shock remake will not be released on Linux and Mac computers, though funds have been raised to do so

A year ago, the remake of the cult game System Shock was released on PC (Windows), and a few days ago the updated game was released on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

During the fundraising on Kickstarter the developers from Nightdive Studios promised to release the game on Linux and Mac computers, but it is not destined to come true.

Here's What We Know

In honour of System Shock's release on consoles, Nightdive published a post with answers to the most frequent questions and in one of them gamers asked when the game will be released on Linux and MacOS. The developers honestly admitted that although the money has been raised - the game will not appear on these devices.

Surprisingly, the developers from Nightdive did not say why they will not release the game on the mentioned operating systems. The amount raised is not small - $1.3 million and it would be right from the studio's side to return this money, if it is not possible to keep the promise.

Let's wait for further developments.

Source: Kickstarter