A Tesla car failed to recognise a train in the fog in self-driving mode, causing an accident, but without injuries

By: Dmitro Koval | 25.05.2024, 09:19
A Tesla car failed to recognise a train in the fog in self-driving mode, causing an accident, but without injuries

A Tesla car in full autonomous driving mode apparently failed to detect a moving train and stop on its own, leading to a dramatic accident that was captured on video that was widely shared on social media.

Here's What We Know

The owner of the car, Craig Doty, took responsibility for the accident, but also criticised Tesla's self-driving technology, suggesting that it may be imperfect. Doty spoke about the incident, saying that despite the fog, the approaching train and flashing lights of the crossing were visible long before the collision.

The crash caused significant damage to the car, with Doty claiming that his Tesla did not slow down as the train approached, forcing him to manually intervene to avoid the collision.

Full self-driving (FSD), Tesla's premium option, requires driver supervision, although CEO Elon Musk has stated its importance in the future.

Tesla has not commented on the incident. Concerns about the capabilities and marketing of FSD have led to scrutiny, especially regarding its reliance on driver attention. Regulators, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, are investigating.

Source: NBC News