A major update has been released for Payday 3: the shooter features a new progression system, job modifiers and a number of bug fixes

Starbreeze studio continues its attempts to revive the failed co-operative shooter Payday 3 and released a major update that should fix many of the game's shortcomings.
Here's What We Know
Patch 1.1.4 is already available for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series users.
One of the major changes was a redesigned progression system. Players didn't appreciate completing boring challenges, so the developers replaced this mechanic with bad reputation points - essentially a return to what Payday 2 had.
Starbreeze introduced a system of modifiers in Payday 3, which will make the heists more difficult, complex and interesting. Moreover, the tasks will be complicated not by trivial increase of health and armour of enemies, but by introduction of unpredictable and unique conditions. For example, robbers will be confronted not by ordinary police officers or security officers, but by perfectly trained Special Forces fighters with armour-piercing ammunition and high-quality weapons.

Modifiers for stealthy robberies have been added.
In the game there is a system of "masks of the week": every seven days the developers will change the set of masks, which are discounted. In the future, the developers will add and weekly tasks with a similar principle of operation.
In addition, bugs have been fixed, new character replicas and a new skill branch have been added.
Read the full list of changes on the game's website.
Source: Payday