Apple is developing a new way to make it easier to replace iPhone batteries

By: Nastya Bobkova | 27.06.2024, 20:37
Apple is developing a new way to make it easier to replace iPhone batteries

Apple is working on a new technology that makes it easier to replace iPhone batteries in light of possible changes in European Union legislation. According to The Information, the company is exploring the use of "electrically induced peel-off" technology to replace batteries.

Here's What We Know

Currently, the process of replacing a battery requires the use of tweezers to remove the existing battery, which is held in place by sticky strips. Special equipment is then used to install the new battery.

The new process uses metal instead of foil to cover the battery. As The Information explains, this will allow the battery to be removed from the case by applying a small electrical pulse to the battery. Consumers will still have to open the iPhone themselves, which is not an easy process because of the adhesives and screws that hold the screen in place.

Despite this change, Apple will recommend that users seek professional help to replace the battery. If all goes according to plan, the new technology could appear on at least one iPhone 16 model this year, and roll out to all iPhone 17 versions next year.

EU legislation could require Apple to make iPhone batteries available for replacement to users by 2025.

Source: The Information