X is under investigation by the EU over blue ticks and adverts

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 12:09
X is under investigation by the EU over blue ticks and adverts

The European Union regularly investigates big tech companies and this time a company that is currently under EU scrutiny is X.

Here's What We Know

The European Commission has launched an investigation into X, accusing it of violating the Digital Services Act (DSA). According to preliminary reports, X's platform misleads users through paid verification, which is not in line with industry standards. The problem is that anyone can get a blue tick, making it difficult to determine the authenticity of accounts. This leads to an increase in fraud and spam.

In addition, the EU accuses X of a lack of advertising transparency. The Commission claims that the company does not have a reliable and accessible advertising archive and that X does not provide researchers with sufficient access to public data. Researchers are forced to pay high fees or abandon their projects.

If the allegations are confirmed, X could be fined up to 6 per cent of its global annual revenue and required to make significant changes to comply with the DSA.

Source: engadget