The developers of Metaphor: ReFantazio held a stream to introduce the characters of the ambitious JRPG

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 22:48
The developers of Metaphor: ReFantazio held a stream to introduce the characters of the ambitious JRPG

Atlus studio held a new stream dedicated to JRPG Metaphor: ReFantazio, which is being developed by the authors of the last three Persona parts.

Here's What We Know

During the 20-minute broadcast, the Japanese developers told about the characters that will accompany the player on his journey through the kingdom of Euchronia. They will try to find the missing Prince in order to save the state from the chaos caused by the intense struggle for succession.

Each of the protagonists has a colourful character, their own views on the world and opinions on the player's actions. All protagonists have backstories and motivation to act this way and not that way, and dialogues with them will shed light on the details of their past.

Unlike Persona, in Metaphor: ReFantazio players will not be able to build romantic relationships with the protagonists - everything will be limited to a strong friendship.

When We Can Expect It

Metaphor: ReFantazio will release on 11 October 2024 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Source: GameSpot