Instagram is testing a feature for sharing comments in Threads

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 03:26
Instagram is testing a feature for sharing comments in Threads

Meta may soon expand the integration between Instagram and Threads. Instagram is testing a new feature that will allow you to share comments on Threads.

Here's What We Know

Meta's application specialist shared information about the possibility of a new menu appearing when commenting on Instagram posts. This menu will allow users to select the option to "also share on Threads". Comments from Instagram may also appear in Threads.

This is not the first step Meta has taken to integrate its platforms. Previously, the company allowed Threads posts to appear on Instagram and Facebook, and gave users the ability to manage these settings. In addition, while Threads does not have its own private messaging system, users can send and receive messages via Instagram.

Meta is also working on integrating Threads with fediverse, allowing users to see replies from other fediverse platforms to their posts, as well as view posts from other fediverse platforms.

Source: The Verge