Google closes Fitbit website: products are now available only in the Google Store

By: Nastya Bobkova | yesterday, 00:38
Google closes Fitbit website: products are now available only in the Google Store

Google has officially announced the closure of the Fitbit website, which will take place on 1 October. After that, all Fitbit products and services will be available only in the Google Store.

Here's What We Know

A banner with the announcement appeared on the Fitbit website: "On 10/1, the Fitbit store is moving. Buy Fitbit on the Google Store".

Visitors will be able to find all Fitbit products in the Watches and Trackers section next to the popular Pixel Watch line. The new store will also offer account management, support and terms of use.

Fitbit's move to Google began in January, when some of its support was moved to the Google platform. In April, the Fitbit online store closed.

Google will continue to invest in the development of Fitbit software and hardware.

Source: 9to5Google