Windows XP remains the most popular in one country

The 20-year-old Windows XP operating system still dominates users in one not-so-distant country, well ahead of Windows 10 and Windows 11, according to the latest StatCounter data. Despite its venerable age, XP's share among other versions of Windows is still notable, and in one place it is even more popular than the current Windows 10 and Windows 11.
According to the same statistics, as of September 2021, Windows XP has a global share of 0.59%, ahead of Windows Vista (0.26%). Windows 10 has a share of 79.84%. However, there is one country where Windows XP dominates, nearly double the share of Windows 10 and leaving the latest version of Windows 11 far behind.
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Ta-daam! That country happens to be Armenia, which, although located in Southwest Asia, is culturally and politically perceived as part of Europe. Data show that the share of Windows XP in Armenia was 53.5% at the end of September, making it the absolute number one operating system.
The second place in Armenia is occupied by Windows 10 with 32.8%, followed by Windows 7 with 11.97%. The remaining three places are occupied by Windows 8.1 (1.53%), Windows 8 (0.17%) and Windows Vista (0.03%). To all appearances, people in Armenia have not heard about the release of Windows 11.
Source: winfuture, statcounter
Illustration: wallpapersafari