ChatGPT website traffic drops for the first time since its launch

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 06.07.2023, 17:03
ChatGPT website traffic drops for the first time since its launch

According to SimilarWeb, global traffic to the ChatGPT chatbot webpage fell 9.7% in June compared to the previous month.

Here's What We Know

Only the US saw a 10.3% drop in traffic. At the same time, the number of unique visitors to ChatGPT site globally dropped by 5.7%. Time on page was also down 8.5%.

This is reportedly the first drop in traffic since OpenAI launched ChatGPT eight months ago.

The June drop in traffic is no coincidence: in May, SimilarWeb reported that traffic to the chatbot site had reached a plateau. In addition, according to Bank of America, ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing app downloads dropped 38% from May to June.

Source: Gizmodo.