UNESCO has called for age limits on the use of artificial intelligence in schools

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 11.09.2023, 20:05
UNESCO has called for age limits on the use of artificial intelligence in schools

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has called for strict rules on the use of generative AI tools in school classrooms, including restricting access to younger children.

Here's What We Know

In the new recommendations, UNESCO warns that governments are not prepared to address the ethical issues surrounding the introduction of generative AI into education. According to the organisation, replacing teachers with AI could negatively affect children's emotional well-being and make them vulnerable to manipulation.

UNESCO believes that the introduction of AI in education can only be done with public participation and the necessary regulation.

The recommendations state that AI can help children with special needs, but will only be safe and effective if educators and researchers are involved in its development.

UNESCO suggests setting the minimum age of AI use at 13. This is the threshold that ChatGPT uses, centred on US legislation. However, many consider it too low and are calling for it to be raised to 16.

Source: TechXplore