AI generated comedy special George Carlin. The comedian's daughter criticised the show

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 12.01.2024, 16:18
AI generated comedy special George Carlin. The comedian's daughter criticised the show

Dudesy, an artificial intelligence developed by Mad TV alum Will Sasso and podcaster Chad Kultgen, has generated a special on behalf of the late standup comic George Carlin.

Here's What We Know

The hour-long show titled "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead" was created by analysing all of Carlin's performances, mimicking his voice and style. The show discusses topical topics like mass shootings and inequality.

However, the famous comedian's daughter Kelly Carlin sharply opposed the initiative on Twitter. In her opinion, no machine can replace her father's genius, and such AI products are attempts to recreate the uncreated.

Kelly urged not to try to fill the void after the artiste's death, but to let his work speak for itself. She reminded that Carlin has 14 actual comedy releases.

Source: Variety