Alex Chub
Alex Chub 28.04.2014, 14:39

More and more interesting developments appear with the use of the virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift. This time, engineers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology decided to use it in conjunction with a quadrocopter DJI Phantom 2. The Oculus FPV project allows the user to see a helmet video from a quadrocopter.

Alex Chub
Alex Chub 11.04.2014, 16:59

The picture above does not relate to the first video, but we will necessarily return to it a little lower. At the beginning of the week we wrote about the quad-copter DJI Phantom 2 Vision + with a 14-megapixel camera and three-axis image stabilization.

Technoslav Bergamot
Technoslav Bergamot 01.04.2014, 16:45

Regular readers of gg may remember that my search for a new laptop three months ago culminated in the purchase of a 13-inch MacBook Pro with retina screen. That said, while I was certainly in a state of euphoria over the purchase of an expensive new toy, I just didn't have the courage to write about all the many inconveniences I encountered during the transition to a new ecosystem for me.