The Russians have shown for the first time how the unmanned version of the Su-75 Checkmate fifth-generation fighter jet will look like

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 16.08.2023, 21:26
The Russians have shown for the first time how the unmanned version of the Su-75 Checkmate fifth-generation fighter jet will look like

The Su-75 Checkmate is a promising Russian fifth-generation fighter jet. It will be available in an unmanned version, and now it is known how this modification will look like.

Here's What We Know

During the Army-2023 forum, scale models of the unmanned version of the Su-75 Checkmate were demonstrated for the first time. For several years, the appearance of the promising fighter has undergone changes.

The key changes affect primarily the tail section of the fifth-generation aircraft. Developers have increased the area of the control surface of the wing. The sweep angle was -45 degrees instead of -10 degrees.

The Russians presented a full-size Su-75 Checkmate demonstration prototype two years ago both in Russia and abroad. The fighter will be available in three variants: manned two-seater, manned single-seater and unmanned.

Source: @takeoff_ru