Huawei sues Amazon over e-ink patent infringement

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 27.10.2022, 18:47
Huawei sues Amazon over e-ink patent infringement

The Chinese company Huawei will sue over patent infringement. The manufacturer is suing Amazon, e-ink display manufacturer Compal Electronics and several subsidiaries.

Here's What We Know

Apparently, it is about infringement of patents on the technology used in the Kindle. Moreover, by the end of the first half of 2023, Amazon plans to stop selling its e-books in China.

What specific patents have been infringed is not yet known, because the People's Court of Suzhou has not yet shown the official documents, and Huawei limited itself to only half-publication of the court notice. The hearing is scheduled for December 8, 2022.

Note that Huawei sells its e-ink display e-book in China. It is called MatePad Paper (pictured above) and runs on the HarmonyOS 2.0 operating system. At the start of sales it managed to surpass the performance of Amazon Kindle in China.

Source: Sina Finance

Image: PCMag