Apple Vision Pro will get 1TB of storage

By: Elena Shcherban | 19.08.2023, 12:43
Apple Vision Pro will get 1TB of storage

Apple unveiled its first mixed reality headset, Vision Pro, back in early June, but didn't reveal all the details about it. And that's because sales won't start until early next year. But as time goes on, insiders are revealing more and more features of the Apple Vision Pro.

Here's What We Know

The French edition of iPhoneSoft talked to one of the testers who had direct access to the system settings of the Vision Pro the other day. And he shared some unpublished information about the device's memory.

So, the source tested several headsets, and all of them had 1 TB of inbuilt memory each. This information is in the Settings app of the two headsets that the tester had access to.

Apple will likely offer other memory configurations, but which ones - it's not yet known. Perhaps it will be even 2 TB or 4 TB, as Apple Vision Pro is positioned as a mini-computer, and at the presentation Apple representatives said that the device will be able to download a 3-hour film in Spatial Video format for viewing on a plane.

Source: iPhoneSoft