"You need dragon souls? Then take them" - trailer for the third season of "DOTA: Dragon's Blood"

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 15.07.2022, 09:47
"You need dragon souls? Then take them" - trailer for the third season of "DOTA: Dragon's Blood"

During Geeked Week 2022, Netflix's summer presentation, the creators of the animated series "DOTA: Dragon's Blood" brought with them only the release date of the third season. Now we can the trailer.

All in all, the main characters face a serious test - Terrorblade is trying to get the souls of the dragons and seize power over the world. Knight Davion, with the support of Princess Mirana, elf Fimrin and other companions, intends to repel the villain.

It's less than a month until the massive carnage begins in the third chapter of "DOTA: Blood of the Dragon" - the release will take place on August 11 on Netflix.