The cancelled game Iron Man from the developers of Just Cause has been revealed

By: Dmitro Koval | 18.08.2022, 12:58
The cancelled game Iron Man from the developers of Just Cause has been revealed

Avalanche Studios co-founder Christofer Sundberg revealed that the developers had been working on an Iron Man game for two years until it was canceled. Sundberg shared information about the cancelled project in an interview with MinnMax.

According to him, the project was being worked on until 2012. It was an open-world game with an emphasis on melee combat - Iron Man could use repulsors to punch through walls. Also, players could fly anywhere at any time.

Disney and Marvel reportedly wanted Avalanche to recruit quickly to finish the game faster than originally planned, but Sundberg said that by doing so he "completely broke the studio."

Soundberg describes the game as "a messy project that could have been good with the right approach to development."

Source: MinnMax