Sanctuary accessible to all: Blizzard adds more than 50 accessibility settings to Diablo IV for disabled gamers

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.05.2023, 22:38
Sanctuary accessible to all: Blizzard adds more than 50 accessibility settings to Diablo IV for disabled gamers

More and more developers are taking great care to make their projects accessible to as many gamers as possible.

Yesterday we told you about a new Sony development, the Access controller, which will allow players with disabilities to easily enjoy games on PlayStation 5.

Now Blizzard has shared information about the accessibility settings in Diablo IV.

Here's What We Know

There are more than fifty accessibility settings in Diablo IV, with the developers not ruling out adding more options in the future.

Gamers will be able to fine-tune each control, and adjust the size and fonts of subtitles and in-game labels. Text in the game can be converted into synthetic voice acting, and conversely, all voice acting is displayed as text. Individual game elements can be highlighted and audio cues are provided for certain categories of gamers.

Blizzard wants to make Diablo IV accessible to everyone who's interested in the game, regardless of their health.

When We Can Expect It

Diablo IV will be released on June 6 on PC ( only), Xbox Series, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4. The developers reminded us that Ultimate Edition buyers will be able to start the game four days earlier.