A promising update on the production of Spider-Man 3: Beyond the Spider-Verse - an exciting conclusion to the trilogy is coming

By: Tetiana Honcharenko | 11.12.2023, 15:30
A promising update on the production of Spider-Man 3: Beyond the Spider-Verse - an exciting conclusion to the trilogy is coming

"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" is considered one of the best released this year, and the good news is that if you can't wait for the sequel, there's word that a third instalment is well underway.

Here's What We Know

It looks like development on Spider-Verse 3 is picking up again after the strikes are over. This was confirmed by producer Christopher Miller:

"We're in production… We're really excited about where the story is going. I think it's a very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, and it's somehow even – as emotional, I'll say, as emotional as the other ones... We're knee-deep in it."

As a reminder, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse ended with a giant foggy prediction in which Miles Morales found himself in a different universe: one in which he is the Predator.

When We Can Expect It

A release date for "Spider-Man 3: Beyond the Spider-Verse" has not yet been announced.

Source: Total Film