Why Smart Wristbends are Bullshit and You better Don’t Buy Them

Smartbands are a quite strange invention. They are like to exist for years but still useless. Despite they are useless they are sold quite well. So if you decided to waste some money for one, just stop and ready what we’re going to tell you. Then, think. A Smartband at the present time is rather harm than good. It will not make your life better. And here is why.
1. A smartband does the same job your smartphone does: pulse and step counting, waking you up. And you already paid money. Well, ok, your smartphone will not count your pulse right during your exercise (an average smartband does not do that as well, this functionality is available only for advanced models and they are actually smart watches, for example, Samsung Gear Fit or FitBit Surge). Of course, your smartphone is not with you all the time. But if you wish to be healthy you have to do a lot of sporting activities. A lot, really. 25 steps to your toilet and 25 steps back – it is a maximal distance you are ready to split from your smartphone for. But those 50 steps can do nothing at all. One hour walking is more or less good. And your smartphone is at hand. But to experience real sporting loads you have to feel tired by the evening. And not because you sit the whole days before the monitor. And not because your smartband says you so.
2. It is another reason to reject buying a smartband. On my opinion, this reason is the most important one. When relying on the gadget, sooner or later, you forget to listen to your body. Every time I return another Smartband after testing realize I’m not sure if I have got enough sleep, good awakening, If had a good walk and tired. Because my electronics did not say so. And I’m not the only one with this kind of feelings. To keep your body healthy you need to listen to its signals, all the time – after you wake up, doing exercises, while walking, before going to bed. Human body is absolutely great system with endless resources. To understand it you have to come out of your ordinary use, load it not only when you relax after 10 thousand steps done. And your smartband will not change your habits, not even adjust them. Moreover, you will get new bad habits.
3. One of the features of smartbands is to monitor of your sleep. But all those big sized gadgets disturb. They cling to your blanket and you cannot put your hand under your pillow. And they buzz when you sleep if you set wrong options. Anyway your smartphone can play the role of alarm clock and sleep tracker. Applications stores have appropriate apps for a while now. There is no need to take electronics with you to bed, as they are a serious obstacle to sleep. No alarm clock can improve your sleep.
4. An average smartband is completely useless for exercises as they are rather for sport dummies to count steps and recognize walking by feet or bike. Without a smartphone in your pocket it is just nothing. Only real professional devices can help you during exercises, not any of those Jawbone or Sony Smartband. The smartband hardly supports third party apps ad cannot offer a good schedule for exercises (let’s take aside all those super professional devices for sport). The smartband can count more steps just because you wave your hand too often. And they fail and stop working too often, the bend goes broken and experience a lot of negative factors if you exercise intensively. If you are a serious sportsman you need a serious and more precise device.
5. Notifications. If they do not bother you it means you don’t wear your smartband annoying you with events from our smartphone. Not every smartband supports data receiving from smartphones, but those that do are evil.
6. It eats your smartphone’s battery. Until mobile devices will work for weeks any energy consumer will be unwanted. There are a lot of buzzing, roaring, blinking, jumping devices around us everyday. They all impact our mind. And I hate when my smartband starts buzzing when my smartphone gets incoming call.
7. It does not fit to your cloth, whatever you wear. Sometimes it looks like cheap jewelry, sometimes it is just a waste. All smartbands have similar design, all they look alike. Jawbone UP2 and UP3 or Sony SmartBand Talk look elegant, though. But anyway all they are not high fashion. Well, there is one exception – Huawei TalkBand B2, it looks nice. But it is too glamorous for everyday wearing.
8. Most of smartbands work a couple of days to a week. You have to keep in mind one more gadget not to forget to charge. That’s ok while at home, but another headache while travelling. Is it worth?
9. Most of smartbands do not work like watches, they do not show time. Even if you find one, cheap and with display, it will rather look ugly. What about pricy ones? Well, they may show something but time. So?
10. Smartbands cost money. Then more money, when they broke. Then more money because your girl or boy friend wishes one. And more money because your uncle is lazy enough not to leave his sofa in a hope his smartband will help him. Remember, no smartband will change your life style. But it will demand more money while doing thing your smartphone already do.