You've never seen anything like this before! Skull Island: Rise of Kong, one of the industry's most disappointing games, has been released

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.10.2023, 22:42
You've never seen anything like this before! Skull Island: Rise of Kong, one of the industry's most disappointing games, has been released

It's hard to believe, but a game worse than 2023's mega-failure The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has come out!

Here's What We Know

Skull Island: Rise of Kong was released today, but in reality it's hard to pick a genre for the game.

Even at the marketing stage it was obvious that the project was extremely budgetary, but what turned out at the release - caused shock, bewilderment and laughter.

There is no sense to list all the shortcomings of Skull Island: Rise of Kong, because its very existence is a huge misunderstanding. Many games from 30 years ago now look more relevant and appealing than the creation of IguanaBee and GameMill Entertainment.

There are no ratings on aggregators for the new King Kong game because it can't be seriously evaluated.

On social networks and YouTube there are a lot of funny videos showing "staged scenes" from Rise of Kong. After watching them, there is only one question: who are the people who made this game?

But the game is available on all platforms and if you want to buy it, there's already a 20 per cent discount on Steam. But maybe in a few days the game will be given away for free, as there will be no one willing to buy this masterpiece of video games.

Source: X, YouTube