James Webb took amazing photos of the Pillars of Creation, 6500 light years from Earth

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 20.10.2022, 13:34
James Webb took amazing photos of the Pillars of Creation, 6500 light years from Earth

James Webb continues to take spectacular photos. This time the Pillars of Creation are in the object of the space telescope.

Here's What We Know

"The Pillars of Creation are clusters of interstellar gas and dust. They are located in the Eagle Nebula, which is about 6,500 light-years from our planet.

The first picture was taken in 1995 by the Hubble telescope. 27 years later, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has published pictures from James Webb.

Hubble / James Webb

The new photos will allow scientists to estimate the amount of gas and dust in the area. This should, in theory, enable a better understanding of star formation.

Source: NASA