General Dynamics has equipped the TRX robot with the latest M-SHORAD air defence system

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 30.03.2023, 16:51
General Dynamics has equipped the TRX robot with the latest M-SHORAD air defence system

US defence company General Dynamics Land System (GDLS), maker of Abrams tanks, has managed to create a robotic air defence system. The TRX robot is used for this purpose.

Here's What We Know

The Maneuver Short-Range Air Defence (M-SHORAD) system was tested in March 2022. It was able to successfully destroy a target that mimicked the behaviour of an unmanned aerial vehicle.

M-SHORAD is mounted on the Stryker infantry fighting vehicle. GDLS, however, decided to experiment a bit. The manufacturer has created a robotic combat system with a short-range anti-aircraft defence system. It is based on the TRX robot, which was unveiled in autumn 2022.

GDLS wants to expand the use of M-SHORAD. The air defence system comprises a Moog turret with combat equipment, including a Stinger launcher developed by Raytheon. The company believes it will be able to find customers for the robotic platform among US Army infantry units.

GDLS is also working on the Directed Energy M-SHORAD air defence system, which uses laser weapons to engage targets. It was tested a few weeks ago at a firing range in Yuma, Arizona, and is being prepared for deployment.

Source: Defence News